AI Voice Activated Math Game 📚🤖

Let's make this multiplication game right here so that our kids don't get dumb during summer vacation. What I've already done is to make an empty directory here, and we'll bring that up. See, it's empty. Let's open up Devra here. We're going to add a task.
The description for this task is relatively long, but the idea is that it's going to show a multiplication problem, and the kid is going to be able to either type in the answer or use a little microphone button and just say the number that is the correct answer. They're going to try to get as many correct in 60 seconds as possible. It's a mad minute. Let's create, start, and see what it does.
Okay, so Devra is asking to create this index.html file. Yes, say list. Yes, create the file, and we should see it pop up here. There it goes. It's asking to make the script file. All right, let's try it out. All right, let's ask it to add some styling to make it look better. It's asking to update the index so it could use the styling. Okay, some good styling.
Allow the microphone.
24, 21. Okay, I would like for it to show the answer that we're saying, and it's not doing that. So it's working basically well, but let's make one more modification. When the answer is incorrect, put the answer into the input field. Also, when the game starts, remove the start game button.
All right, it wants to update the file. Let's do it. Reload, see how it goes. Allow.
12, 7.
Ah, zero.
Oh, it's working great. Go to Devra to get Devra and try making your own games. Also, on there is a link to the GitHub where you can get the code we made today and get your kids to use some multiplication. All right, have a good one.

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Devra: AI software and data science assistant